Derek Zoolander Reveals His Diet and Exercise Secrets to Vogue

Posted on January 19, 2016

The PR campaign for Zoolander 2 has been more entertaining than most movies. The posters and the trailers (one of which features Derek Zoolander (Ben Stiller) as a Man-Cow hybrid with elf ears have been outstanding. But now it's getting real. Derek Zoolander goes full Blue Steel on the cover of February Vogue and it's pretty amazing. He shares the cover with Oscar winner Penelope Cruz, or Valentina, her character in Zoolander 2.

Zoolander doesn't just have the cover: the magazine features a full photospread by Annie Leibowitz with Derek wearing a saddle, getting beautified while surrounded by supermodels and generally being ridiculously good-looking.

Ben Stiller does a straight interview in the magazine in which he talks about the making of the film and all the celebrity cameos he was able to procure. Sadly, he also reveals the one that got away: Karl Lagerfeld. There will be no Karl in Zoolander 2. Could it be because Will Ferrell's criminal mastermind/designer Mugatu was originally based on Lagerfeld? Or maybe it was just due to scheduling difficulties.

Perhaps sensing that we all want more Derek Zoolander and his take on the issues of the day, Vogue decided to feature Derek in its famous 73 questions segment. The result is absolutely hilarious. Derek invites Vogue's interviewer into his home, which includes an insanely huge gym. Supermodels are everywhere, exercising, spinning records and generally just looking amazing. Oh and Zoe Kravitz is lounging on Derek's couch. When he asks her to move her feet off the couch, she sneers at him, swings her feet onto the table, thereby knocking plates and cutlery everywhere. "Lenny will hear about this!" Derek tells her.

His answers are completely clueless, as usual. When told he was going to be asked 73 questions, he noted that he only has nine answers, so he will need...more. When asked what he loves most about New York City, he replies, "The diversity. You have really good looking people and also very attractive people." When asked how he feels about Brooklyn, he responds, "I really hope they find a cure." When asked how often he takes the subway, he responds, "Almost never. Sandwiches are a gateway to cake."

His favorite drink? Water with lemon. His favorite food? Water with lime. His favorite splurge? Water with cucumber (he is no fan of solids). He also details his workout routine, which involves moving clothing on a rack. His favorite movie is "The one with the dinosaurs . . . The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. That was really scary."

When asked about his future retirement, Derek informs us that "Models don't retire. They get turned into glue. It’s better that way." The ending is just as offbeat and funny as the rest of the interview.

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