Video: The World's Ugliest Cell Phones: Xelibri and More

Posted on May 30, 2009

There have been many ugly cell phone designs over the years. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but three ugly phones are the calculator-like Samsung P300, the oddly-shaped Xelibri (seen in the video above) and the skinny Nokia 7380.

These three designs are included in the PC World feature, Dirty Dozen Ugliest and Lamest Cell Phones. The article is worth a look if you want to see some awful phone designs manufacturers have come up with.

Here are a few other articles about ugly cell phones worth reading:

You can also find a collection of the ugliest cases at Case Hut. These include a chicken leg case and an ear case.

We aren't sure what the makers of the Xelibri were thinking. Take a look:

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