Video: Ryan Reynolds Attempts to Build an IKEA Crib

Posted on October 15, 2015

Putting baby furniture together is not always an easy task. Actor Ryan Reynold tries to build an IKEA crib in this humorous GQ video. He starts out by saying it is an "easy" but it isn't long before he has to call the helpline.

The IKEA crib Reynolds is trying to build is the Hensvik crib in white. It has a bed base that can be placed at two different heights. A couple people are having an easier time building an IKEA crib in this video, which has been sped-up. The key may be to work in pairs.

Reynolds is trying to be the crib by himself and it is not going well. Apparently, Blake Lively was too busy to help him. Reynolds is cursing and starting to drink. Eventually he solves the puzzle with the help of some heavy duty duct tape.

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