Oprah Sending Entire Audience to Australia

Posted on September 13, 2010

Oprah stunned her audience with the news that they will all be going to Australia today on the 25th season premiere of The Oprah Winfrey Show. All 300 audience members will get to go on the amazing trip.

The video above contains some highlights from the amazing episode.

The surprise announcement included an appearance by John Travolta in a pilot uniform. The eight-day, seven-night trip, called "Oprah's Ultimate Australian Adventure," will take place in December 2010 as 300 fans travel via Qantas Airways to Sydney.

The Sydney Opera House will transform into the Sydney "Oprah" House for a special show taping on December 14 before thousands of Australian fans. At least two episodes of The Oprah Show will tape throughout Australia and will begin airing in early 2011.

Oprah said, "I wanted to kick off my 25th season in a big way, and I've heard Australia is the ultimate adventure. It's one of the places I've always wanted to visit, and who better to take with me on this trip of a lifetime than some of my most loyal viewers? My team has been planning this trip for almost a year, and we are so excited to go Down Under.

Oprah thanked her audience for keeping the trip details a secret over the weekend on her Twitter account, @Oprah.

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