SNL Parodies Hasbro's Bop It Game with Darkly Funny Boop-It Skit

Posted on March 7, 2020

Saturday Night Live created this hilarious skit about a toy called Boop-It. The toy is a parody of Hasbro's Bop It game.

The skit begins with three kids playing the game. The memory game requires the player to take different actions in a sequence, such as "Squeak It, Honk It" and "Twist It."

The skit takes a dark turn when the father of one of the kids becomes obsessed with the game. The father is played by Beck Bennett. He fails at his first attempt at the game but this is enough to hook him. He has a drink in his hand and lurks around watching the kids hoping for another try. He even sends one of the kids home so he can have their turn. The dad plays the game repeatedly, even forgetting to feed the kids and drop them of at his ex-wife's house.

Bennett is great in this.

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