Donald Trump Runs Out of Custom Gold-Plated Signing Pens
Posted on February 17, 2017
One sign President Trump may be signing too many executive orders is that he has run out of fancy signing pens. The pens are custom-made by Cross. They are gold-plated. Trump has been signing many executive orders since taking office last month.
Trump has already run out of pens but more are on the way. An Associated Press report says the White House is expecting a new batch of 350 of the Cross pens today. The AP also says Cross has been the supplier of signing pens for the White House for the last seven administrations.
Trump was aware early that he was going to be a heavy user of the pens. He is quoted as saying on Inauguration Day, "I think we're going to need some more pens, by the way." He also accused the government of "getting stingy." Generally, Trump is in a cost-cutting mode.
Trump's presidential pens (called Trump's Century II pens) are similar to President Obama's. Trump went with a gold plating on his pens. Each pen also has the president's signature. The AP says the pens have a retail price of about $115 per pen.
Trump signs three executive orders in this CNN video.