Donald Trump Criticized Kim Kardashian's Weight When She Was Pregnant

Posted on September 28, 2016

Donald Trump is currently under fire after doubling down on his criticism of 1996 Miss Universe Alicia Machado. Machado has accused Trump of calling her "Miss Piggy" and "Miss Housekeeping." Hillary Clinton brought up Machado's name and the incident during the big debate on CNN Monday night.

Donald Trump did not let the Machado story die. He called into Fox & Friends the morning after the debate and brought up the subject. He even criticized Machado again saying she had gained a "massive amount of weight" and was "the worst we ever had."

Trump's comments have journalists scouring the Internet for evidence of him body shaming other women. A Vanity Fair story says "the presidential candidate has a history of body shaming women." It points to this clip from a Showbiz Tonight episode in 2013 where Donald Trump is critical of Kim Kardashian's weight gain even though he was informed she was registering for baby shower gifts. Kim Kardashian was pregnant at the time.

Trump says that Kim has "gotten a little large." He also adds, "I would say this, I don't think you should dress like you weigh 120 pounds."

It is not known if Kim is aware Trump's comments about her or if she has seen the video. She announced last week that she is voting for Hillary in a post titled, "I'm With Her." Kim writes, "I found that without a doubt, I stand with Hillary. I'm with her. I believe Hillary will best represent our country and is the most qualified for the job. This year, I'm not just voting for myself, but also for my children, and I took that into careful consideration when I made my decision."

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