Tom Colicchio Makes One Pot Pasta on Today

Posted on January 9, 2015

Tom Colicchio made one pot pasta with broccoli, ham and parmesa on the Today show. You can find the recipe here. Tom says you could substitute frozen green peas, cauliflower or asparagus for broccoli.

Tom had to show Carson Daly how to put on an apron. Tom also revealed he will be hosting a new series called Best New Restaurant, which premiers Jan 21. on Bravo. The busy Colicchio is also opening a new restaurant himself in March in Miami.

Tom uses paccheri pasta in the one pot dish. The meat he uses is a 3/4 pound smoke pork loin chopped into 1/3-inch cubes. Smoked ham or smoked turkey could be used instead of the pork or you could leave out the meat and go vegetarian with the dish. Take a look:

You can find the recipe and video on

Colicchio also has a great recipe from Spring Pasta available on

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