Joke Comments Boost Sales For Three Wolf Moon T-Shirt
Posted on May 22, 2009
A t-shirt known as the Three Wolf Moon t-shirt has become a surprise bestseller on thanks to snarky reviews left by customers. The wolf shirt made it up to #1 in Amazon in the apparel category. The review that started the craze listed pros and cons of the shirt.
Pros: Fits my girthy frame, has wolves on it, attracts women
Cons: Only 3 wolves (could probably use a few more on the 'guns'), cannot see wolves when sitting with arms crossed, wolves would have been better if they glowed in the dark.
Fake customer photos on Amazon show the shirt being worn by Barack Obama, Hugh Jackman and others. The BBC reports that The Mountain, the company that made the shirt, did not appreciate the humor.
The company wrote on Amazon, "The Mountain is a wholesale company and does not sell shirts on Amazon, so this viral assault went under our radar until the shirt made it into the top 10 in the Amazon apparel section. We appreciate humour as much as the next company, but we don't approve of some of the remarks. Not everyone can start out at the top and not everyone from our neck of the woods lives in a trailer or cruises Walmart to hook up."
The Mountain may not find the joke reviews funny but they are pleased with the sales. The BBC says the firms art director Michael McGloin told Radio Five Live that they are printing another 400,000 shirts. "We'll take ironic fashion any day.... and we're printing another 400,000 more's just a fantastic thing," he said.
Here's an overview of the popularity of the Three Wolf Moon shirt by Know Your Meme.