The Beatrix Girls Dolls Arrive in Stores
Posted on October 22, 2013

The Beatrix Girls dolls have arrived. The pop-star dolls launch with original music and are sold at Toys R Us. The doll group includes Brayden, Ainsley, Lark and Chantal. The 12-inch tall dolls cost $24.99 each and can be found on Emmy-Award winning producer Sherry Gunther Shugerman is behind the doll line. The Beatrix Girls' songs are written and produced by a Platinum winning songwriter and producer. The dolls also have an EP out.
Sherry Gunther Shugerman, president of PopStar Club Inc., said in a release, "We set out to develop a well-rounded entertainment brand rather than just another doll, by creating original music, innovative webisodes and an integrated digital presence, and then working with leading animation designers and top doll sculptors to reimagine the look of dolls. The Beatrix Girls' larger than life personalities are reflected through their large heads, abundant hair and hyper-stylized design."
Photo: Popstar Club LLC