Tech News Page 21
Steve Jobs Launches Apple iPad at Press Event
Steve Jobs announced Apple's innovative new multi-touch device, the iPad, today at an hour long conference., 2010-01-27
Women Horrified by iPad's Ridiculously Inappropriate Name
Apple has named its new tablet device the iPad which is also the name of a feminine hygiene product. Mad TV was ahead of its time with a comedy skit., 2010-01-27
The Boogie Board LCD Writing Tablet
The Boogie Board is an LCD writing tablet that features a button that instantly erases everything on the tablet., 2010-01-24
GE Designs Futuristic Sleigh for Santa Claus
Santa Claus delivered his presents this year the old fashioned way but in the future he may want to upgrade his techonology., 2009-12-27
Nielsen Says Apple iPhone Leads BlackBerry in U.S. Phone Market
The iPhone 3G leads the BlackBerry in the U.S. phone market according to new data released by Nielsen., 2009-12-23
Luma Labs Tiny 1.5 Inch Monitor
Luma Labs makes a tiny monitor called Gadget Display UD7 that connects to your PC or laptop via USB., 2009-12-16
Medl Mobile's Mall Maps App Popular Ahead of Black Friday
Medl Mobile has created a Mall Maps App that is proving to be a popular download ahead of Black Friday., 2009-11-24
Hoodie Buddie Contains Integrated Washable Headphones
Jerry Leigh Apparel has created the Hoodie Buddie., 2009-11-18
Higher Than Expected Production Costs May Delay CrunchPad
The CrunchPad device may be delayed due to production costs. It has a lot of buzz going for it., 2009-11-08
Virtusphere Offers Unique Virtual Reality Experience
A New York company named Virtusphere, Inc., 2009-11-07
Solar Technology Powers Remote Andean Village
The ancient village of Misa Rumi lies high in the Andean mountains of Argentina., 2009-10-31
Openmoko Launches Portable Wikipedia Device Called WikiReader
Openmoko has launched WikiReader. The device is an electronic encyclopedia containing over three million Wikipedia articles, 2009-10-13
CNN Launches iPhone App
CNN has launched a news app on Apple's App Store., 2009-09-29
Sony Launches Vaio Series X at IFA 2009
Sony unveiled its ultrathin Sony Vaio Series X laptop at the IFA 2009 tech trade show., 2009-09-11
Octopus USB Hub Has Wires for Tentacles
We first discovered a USB Hub in the shape of an Octopus in 2009., 2009-07-25
Hannspree Launching Animal Shaped TVs
Hannspree is launching a line of adorable televisions which are set inside a stuffed giraffe, elephant, polar bear or panda., 2009-07-19
Video: The World's Ugliest Cell Phones: Xelibri and More
There have been many ugly cell phone designs over the years. These are some of the ugliest., 2009-05-30
Stackable Lego USB Hubs
We are still waiting for LEGO to release a great stackable LEGO USB Hub. In the meantime, there are do-it-yourself options and the WeDo 2.0 Smart Hub., 2009-05-16
Cat-Shaped USB Hubs
There have been a number of cat-shaped USB hubs available over this years. These include a Hello Kitty shaped USB hub with arms and legs for USB ports., 2009-04-16
Demy: A Touchscreen Digital Recipe Reader
The Demy was a touchscreen digital recipe reader that was introduced at CSS in 2009., 2009-03-25