New Sweethearts Candies Say Text Me, Tweet Me
Posted on January 19, 2010

This year Sweethearts will feature new fruity flavors and bright colors, printed with modern sayings. The company came up with some new sayings through an online contest. "Tweet Me" and "Text Me" are a couple of Sweethearts new candy heart phrases. The company also set up a Twitter account.
"Sweethearts have long been America's favorite Valentine's Day candy for sharing a sweet sentiment with loved ones," said Jackie Hague, vice president of marketing at the New England Confectionery Company. "The new tastier flavors, vibrant colors and modern expressions will ensure that Sweethearts continue to delight people of all ages and help them say something sweet to those they care about."
Last summer, to modernize the classic sayings, Sweethearts discarded all previous expressions and held an online consumer contest that asked Americans what they wanted to see on their Sweethearts. Favorite sayings that made their debut in years past, such as "Fax Me" and "Email Me," will now be replaced with phrases for new technologies including "Tweet Me" and "Text Me."
"It's great that America chose 'Tweet Me' to be a new Sweethearts saying," said Biz Stone, co-founder of Twitter, Inc. "Twitter is a new way to communicate in 140 characters or less and Sweethearts have been helping people communicate using short phrases for decades."
The complete list of the top 10 new phrases combines both contemporary expressions ("Tweet Me," "Text Me," "You Rock," "Soul Mate," "Love Bug" and "Me + You") and the return of classic expressions ("Puppy Love," "Sweet Love," "Sweat Pea" and "Love Me").