Starbucks is Top Brand on Facebook With 10 Million Followers
Posted on July 18, 2010
Starbucks trails Lady Gaga and Michael Jackson on Facebook, but they are still the top brand on the social networking website with over ten million fans. The Facebook Page Leaderboard on AllFacebook shows that Starbucks has over 10,000 fans.
Starbucks' closest brand competitors on Facebook include Coca-Cola, which is nearing 8 million fans, and Skittles, which is closing in on 7 million fans. There are about 500 million people using Facebook, so about 2% off all Facebook users are fans of Starbucks.
Starbucks has also been using Facebook in interesting ways. They have a deal available in Facebook Places that lets users donate $1 to Conservation International when a Facebook user checks-in using Facebook Places. Take a look: