Spider-Man Pop-Tarts for an Amazing Breakfast
Updated March 7, 2024, originally posted on May 28, 2012

Kellogg's and Sony Pictures have teamed up for Spider-Man Pop-Tarts more than once. In 2019, Kellogg's teamed up with Sony Pictures Entertainment to launch Spidey Berry Pop-Tarts. These limited edition Pop-Tarts were part of a Spider-Man: Far From Home promotion.
The 2019 collaboration also included Spider-Man Cheeze-Its, Eggo waffles and Fudge Stripe cookies.
Kellogg's launched a limited edition line of The Amazing Spider-Man Pop-Tarts in 2012 to coincide with the upcoming movie. The Pop-Tarts have cute little blue spider sprinkles on red icing. The cartons contain images from the movie. Little blue spiders for breakfast is an amazing breakfast fitting of the web slinger.
You can see what the 2012 Spider-Man Pop-Tarts looked like on Laughing Squid. This was a great design.