Rihanna Covers the December Issue of Glamour

Posted on November 8, 2009

A smiling Rihanna covers the December 2009 issue of Glamour magazine. In the interview, Rihanna talks about the assault by Chris Brown, finding love and her upcoming album, Rated R, which hits stores November 23, 2009. She also talked about the publicity from the incident with Chris Brown. Rihanna says, "I went to sleep as Rihanna and woke up as Britney Spears. That was the level of media chaos that happened the next day."

On what she has learned after her brush with domestic violence: "I'm stronger, wiser and more aware. You don't realize how much your decisions affect people you don't even know, like fans. My story was broadcast all over the world for people to see, and they have followed every step of my recovery. The positive thing that has come out of my situation is that people can learn from that. I want to give as much insight as I can to young women, because I feel like I represent a voice that really isn't heard. Now I can help speak for those women."

On finding love: "I hope I find love in the next 10 years - that will be pretty annoying if I am 31 and still have never been in love! But yeah, I'd like to be in a great place in both my personal life and my career. I still want to be doing what I love. Whatever that is in 10 years, I don't know."

On her new album: "I put everything I've wanted to say for the past eight months into my music."

Rihanna wears Balmain, Gucci and Jason Wu in the photo shoot. You can see the photo gallery from Glamour here. Rihanna will be honored by Glamour at the annual Women of the Year event at Carnegie Hall on November 9.

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