Paula Deen Talks Racism Controversy on Today Show

Posted on June 26, 2013

Paula Deen was interviewed by Matt Lauer to discuss the controversy surround her admission of using the n-word in a deposition. Paula teared up during the interview a couple times. Once when she was talking about her 7-year-old grandson and another time when she was talking about support from fans and friends.

She says she is not a racist. Paula says everyone on Earth was created equal. She says there have been some "very, very hurtful lies" told about her. Paula says the only time she used the n-word was a day thirty years ago - the same day she had a gun pointed at her head.

Paula says she hears African Americans using the n-word in her kitchens. She says, "It's very distressing." Paula says, "I think that for this problem to be worked on that these young people are going to have to take control and start showing respect for each other and not throwing that word at each other. It makes my skin crawl."

Paula says her fans remain loyal to her because they know her. Here are some more highlights from the lengthy Today interview:

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