Goodbye to Got Milk? Campaign, Hello to It's a Milk Life

Posted on February 24, 2014

The Milk Processor Education Program (MilkPEP), an industry marketing program funded by milk processors, has decided to end its iconic Got Milk? campaign which has run for nearly 20 years and had major celebrities from every walk of life featured in its ads.

The new campaign is called "Milk Life." The new campaign will focus on the nutritional benefits of milk and show how it is part of a healthy lifestyle.

Julia Kadison, interim CEO of MilkPEP, says says that the new campaign, which is costing around $50 million, is aimed at getting the attention of consumers once again: "The milk industry has had a tough bill over the last few years. Consumers seem to be forgetting about milk. They needed to be educated or reminded of the nutritional value of milk." Milk sales have been falling steadily since the 1970s, according to Business Week. Consumers have been turning to soy milk, almond milk and rice milk as alternatives to milk for those that are either lactose intolerant or allergic to cow's milk.

Here is one of the new ads, showing how energetic people are powered by CGI milk:

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