McDonald's Fast Food Restaurant Opens Near the Vatican

Posted on January 6, 2017

A new McDonald's fast food restaurant has opened just outside of Vatican City. Many cardinals have complained about the locations of the new location. The restaurant is located in a building owned by the Vatican where many cardinals live.

The location is the corner of Borgo Pio and Via del Mascherino in Borgo. A New York Times story reports that Cardinal Elio Sgreccia has called the arrival of the restaurant a "disgrace" and suggested it is not respectful of local architecture and urban traditions.

The Times story says Sgreccia also told La Repubblica that McDonald's serves "foods I would never eat." The restaurant was approved by a Vatican agency so despite all the protests from clerics it was their own agency that allowed McDonald's to lease the space.

CBS This Morning notes that the Vatican is "in on the deal." They make about $31,000 a month renting space to McDonald's. There is also a Hard Rock Cafe nearby. A Starbucks may also soon be on the way. Take a look:

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