News Media Ask: Does Jessica Simpson Look Fat in This?

Posted on January 30, 2009

Jessica Simpson has been the center of much discussion lately, because of less than fashion forward outfit she wore to a Florida concert. The blogosphere and even the mainstream media picked up the story, attacking Jessica for gaining weight. Now the entire issue is getting wall to wall coverage, but it was the New York Post that hit a new low in misogyny with its disgusting cartoon which portrays Jess as obese. Here's the roundup of what everyone is saying.

Jessica's 99.9 Kiss Country concert attire may not have been the most au courant ensemble she could have chosen (you know how we feel about high-waisted jeans: they should be banned from stores) and that's certainly something fashion blogs and gossip blogs could discuss: she's a celeb, her outfits are fair game. But stories about her weight and vicious editorial cartoons have crossed the line into misogyny. Only a woman-hating psycho would call Jessica Simpson fat. This is the kind of over the top coverage that leads to eating disorders. We shudder to think how many actresses, models and everyday women are reading every word of these attacks, just before they head to the bathroom to throw up again, lest they get the same treatment in the press or at school. Remember, our culture's obsession with women's weight puts pressure on not just celebrities, but every little girl who is exposed to the media.

The latest news is that Jessica has thanked her fans for supporting her. People reports that at a concert in Charlottesville Jessica said, "Thank you for your support. Stay positive, and pray out loud! I love you guys, good night."

Here's a video that shows clips of the outfit in question:

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