HUD and CPSC Issue Problem Drywall Guidelines
Posted on April 2, 2010
The HUD and CPSC have issued guidelines on how consumers should handle the Chinese drywall problem. The drywall has been linked to health problems, bad smells and ruined electronics.
The Palm Beach Post says the new guidelines recommend problem drywall be stripped from homes.
The guidelines recommend that contaminated homes strip out all the "possible problem drywall" from the house, as well as electrical components and wiring, gas service piping, sprinkler systems and smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.CPSC research indicates that drywall made in China appears to be the main souce of the problem.But the interim guidance added that there's no "scientific basis to believe that emissions from the problem drywall require replacement of nonproblem drywall, wood studs, flooring, cabinetry, or other household components and fixtures that may have been exposed to the drywall emissions."
The top ten reactive sulfur-emitting drywall samples were all produced in China. Certain Chinese samples had emission rates of hydrogen sulfide 100 times greater than non-Chinese drywall samples. The patterns of reactive sulfur compounds emitted from drywall samples show a clear distinction between the certain Chinese drywall samples manufactured in 2005/2006 and non-Chinese drywall samples. Some Chinese drywall samples were similar to non-Chinese samples. Finally, several Chinese samples manufactured in 2009 demonstrate a marked decrease in sulfur emissions as compared to the 2005/2006 Chinese samples.You can rid more about the new drywall guidelines here on the CPSC's Drywall Information Center.
This video from ABC News explaining the problem is called "Chinese Drywall Nightmare." Here's another video about detecting defective drywall.