Hi-C Ecto Cooler Returns to Store Shelves to Celebrate Ghostbusters Release
Posted on May 23, 2016

The Coca-Cola company is bringing back its Hi-C Ecto Cooler beverage to coincide with the release of the new Ghosbusters movie in July. The drink was a tie-in with the original Ghostbusters franchise.
Charles Torrey, Vice President, Minute Maid/Hi-C Brands, Coca-Cola North America, says in the announcement, "Hi-C Ecto Cooler fueled a pop culture phenomenon that is well remembered and beloved by fans to this day. Sony Pictures was extremely enthusiastic about bringing it back for this special occasion, and the timing of the upcoming Ghostbusters film made this the exact right time."
Coca-Cola says vocal support of fan groups and support from Sony Pictures helped the company decide to relaunch the beverage. Hi-C Ecto Cooler will be sold in 10-packs of 6-ounce juice boxes and in 6- and 12-packs of 11.5-ounce aluminum cans. The cans are printed using thermal ink that turns a slime green shade when the product inside is cold. Hi-C Ecto Cooler will be available starting the end of this month according to the Twitter account, @ectocooler.