eBay Acquires PhiSix, a Graphic Company That Creates 3D Models of Clothing

Posted on February 20, 2014

eBay has acquired PhiSix, a graphic company that builds 3D models of clothing using photos and pattern files. The technology from PhiSix helps bring clothing to life virtually so consumers can get a better idea of how it will look when it is moving.

Steve Yankovich, vice president of Innovation and New Ventures of eBay Inc., says in the announcement, "PhiSix's technology enables consumers to understand the fit and movement of clothes in an online shopping environment. Consumers can experience the merchandise in a more efficient and impactful way, which we believe will drive sales for retailers and create a delightful experience for shoppers."

Ebay says the 3D models enable shoppers to view the clothes in different scenarios, such as walking down the street, and not just in a dressing room. The technology could also be used to develop virtual fitting rooms where customers virtually try on clothing using an avatar.

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