Drywall From China Makes People Sick, Ruins Electronics and Smells Bad

Updated February 9, 2024, originally posted on March 18, 2009

Here's another problem that originates with products made in China. You can add it to the list of problems that include lead paint in toys and melanine in pet food. The latest problem is a Chinese-made drywall that tests have proved emits sulfur gases. These gases can not only make people sick, they can also damage electrical and plumbing components. Unpleasant odors are also being reported by angry homeowners. USA Today reports that people with these drywalls have developed new sinus problems and watched helplessly as TVs, air conditioners and other electronics mysteriously failed.

Then, he says, his large-screen TV mysteriously failed. Next, the air conditioner went. His bath towels smelled like rotten eggs. Visitors noted an odor in the house. Martinez says he's suffered new sinus problems and sleep apnea. His wife and son sneeze a lot.

The walls in the home, a recently filed class-action lawsuit alleges, were built with the same kind of Chinese-made drywall that tests have shown emit sulfur gases that corrode copper coils and electrical and plumbing components.

The USA Today story says there are also hundreds of drywall problems in homes coming out of Florida as well. USA Today says, "The issue also has revived concerns about quality-control procedures of U.S. companies that use Chinese-made products, following episodes in recent years involving contaminated toothpaste and pet-food ingredients, lead-tainted toys and defective tires imported from China."

There's lots of coverage emerging on the drywalls as consumer complaints grow. A photo on CNN's story shows copper wires turned black by the sulfur emitting drywalls.

The problem seems to be related to new construction with the drywall imported from China. Installs of this drywall need to cease immediately. UPI says the "drywall in question was imported from China a few years ago when the combination of the construction boom and wide-spread hurricane repairs caused a drywall shortage in Florida."

Here's a report on a Cape Coral family impacted by the problematic Chinese drywall. Take a look:

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