Black Friday News Page 4

This is page #4 of the Black Friday archives.

International Parking Institute Offers Black Friday Parking Tips

Here are some Black Friday parking tips from professionals at the International Parking Institute., 2011-11-21

Kohl's Turns Rebecca Black's Friday Song Into Black Friday Song

Kohl's turned Rebecca Black's catchy Friday song into a song about Black Friday. This was bound to happen eventually. Love it!, 2011-11-21

Art Van's Wild Black Friday Sale

Art Van has a wild Black Friday sale planned for this weekend. It also has some interesting complexities such as charity drive in the middle of Black Friday shopping., 2010-11-22

SNL Video: Black Friday at Mega-Mart

SNL created a hilarious parody of a Black Friday event at a fictional store called Mega-Mart. The store is having some unique Black Friday specials., 2010-11-21